Easy RPG Creator Wiki

The Dialog Manager is used to create and display multiple types of message boxes using a variety of custom blocks.

Dialog Dialog: <text> - Opens a message box with the last used settings and displays a custom message. The <text> parameter accepts either a dialog ID or your own custom message.

Display Dialog <text>  with Name Box: <text> - Opens a message box with the last used settings. The <text> parameter accepts either a dialog ID or your own custom message and includes a name box, which can be set with the special [name: text] or whatever you enter into the second <text> parameter.

Display Dialog <text> with Face: <text> - Opens a message box with the last used settings.  The <text> parameter accepts either a dialog ID or your own custom message.  The second <text> parameter accepts the name of a file (note: must be in .png format and stored in your Extras/ERC/Imgs/Faces folder).  An example would be "icecream" for an image named "icecream.png." (Without Quotes).

Display Dialog: <text> , Name? <boolean> Face? <boolean> - Displays a custom message or one from the Dialog Tab.  Note that this will only use names and faces set using the Dialog Tab special characters.

Display Choice Dialog: <text> from Actor <actor> - Displays a custom message or one from the Dialog Tab.  Choices are set using special character code in the Dialog editor.  If your choices require an actor, input an actor.  If your choices are triggering scene events, you don't need an actor, so you can ignore that part.

Display Dialog: <text> , Name? <boolean> Face? <boolean> Choices? <boolean> Actor for choices: <actor> - Displays a custom message or one from the Dialog Tab.  Note that this will only use names and faces, and choices set using the Dialog Tab special characters.  If your choices require an actor, input an actor.  If your choices are triggering scene events, you don't need an actor, so you can ignore that part.

Change Window Dialog to <Actor Type> Animation: <text> - Changes the dialog window to the set Actor Type and the specified animation.

Set Window Orientation <text> - Changes where the dialog window shows up on the screen.  The <text> parameter takes either "Top" (no quotes), or "Bottom" (no quotes).
