Easy RPG Creator Wiki

The Inventory Manager (or Player Inventory Manager, as the scene behavior is called) manages the player's Item inventory, Weapons inventory, and Armors inventory.  It also allows the adding/removal of the player's gold.

Here is a full list of the current custom blocks currently tied in to the Player Inventory Manager, and it is important to note that much of this same information is available by hovering over the custom block in Stencyl and looking to the bottom left side of the screen:

  • Add <number> of Item <number> of Type <text> to Inventory - Adds a certain quantity of a specified item type to the player’s inventory.  The first <number> slot takes in the quantity (the number of the item you want), the second <number> slot takes in the numerical ID of the item/weapon/armor you wish to add to the inventory, and the <text> slot takes in an item type.  There are 3 types, Item, Weapon, and Armor.
    Return Type: None
  • Remove <number> of Item <number> of Type <text> to Inventory - Removes a certain quantity of a specified item type to the player's inventory. The first <number>slot takes in the quantity (the number of the item you want), the second <number> slot takes in the numerical ID of the item/weapon/armor you wish to add to the inventory, and the <text> slot takes in an item type.  There are 3 types, Item, Weapon, and Armor.
    Return Type: None
  • Can <number> of Item <number> of Type <text>''' Be Removed From Inventory? - Returns whether or not the player has the given quantity of an item in their inventory.  Useful for quests that require the player to have a certain amount of an item.  The first <number> slot takes in the quantity (the number of the item you want), the second <number> slot takes in the numerical ID of the item/weapon/armor you wish to add to the inventory, and the <text> slot takes in an item type.  There are 3 types, There are 3 types, Item, Weapon, and Armor.
    Return Type: Boolean
  • Use Item <number> - Used by the Items Menu to "use" an item in the player's inventory.  Requires the Pause Menu Manager.  Items are currently usable provided the scope is set to "One Ally," "All Allies," or "All."  The <number> slot takes in the numerical ID of the item you wish to use.
    Return Type: None
  • Add <number> Gold to Player - Adds a given quantity of gold to the player.  The <number> slot takes in the amount of gold to add.
    Return Type: None
  • Remove <number> Gold from Player -Removes a given quantity of gold to the player.  The <number> slot takes in the amount of gold to remove.
    Return Type: None